Dwarven Fire Rune Trap
I am the kind of person who will occasionally get on an abstract tip and bug out over some basic aspect of daily existence, such as: if you are literate, it is not possible to look at a word without reading it. If you know a word, the part of your mind that processes and comprehends the meaning does so immediately, and cannot be switched off. Yes! I have spent time looking at writing and trying to only see the shapes of the script without understanding the words, and I have failed. Yes! I am a weirdo also, how kind of you to notice. Anyway all that is just context for this trap! Dwarven Fire Rune The dwarven word for "fire" is displayed on a in magic paint or as a shimmering magic hologram or in the wending shape of an eerie hovering flame or whatever. The flavour is up to you. The trap only triggers if you can read Dwarven - if you do, when you see and read the rune it implants into your mind not only the linguistic meaning of the word but, the very essence of...